Mission & Vision
Althash University (Alt+U) strives to be global hub and leader in scientific, technological, social, philosophical, and medical education and research, offering innovation and excellence using relevant online platforms. Furthermore, Alt+U aspires to provide access to higher education to developing communities regardless of socio - economic, geographic, political, or personal circumstances.
Althash University's (Alt+U) mission is to provide a relevant environment and platform for the creation, production, and development of scientific, technological, social, philosophical, as well as medical knowledge. Additionally, the university provides any eligible student with an accessible, high quality education through flexible, affordable online degree programs to prepare graduates to lead successful, fulfilling lives as individuals and members of society.
The mission statement of Alt+U reflects the essence of the educational model to which Alt+U's academic areas contribute in both instruction and research. The essential term is relevant: embracing the faculty's commitment to providing an education that focuses on educating our students for successful lives after graduation and occupations that contribute to solving important global issues.
To offer students from various backgrounds with the opportunity to succeed academically by:
Offering distance education via the internet
Providing low-cost programming
Delivering a diverse array of financial aid choices
Increasing awareness of the University's programs in underserved parts of the world
To provide high-quality programming that:
Hold the academic standards high.
Include critical thinking, communication, and a dedication to lifelong learning as fundamental components.
Concentrate on the competences and skills needed to succeed in today's global economy.
Regular outcome evaluations and external reviews ensure that they are regularly examined and improved.
Encourage cooperation, engagement, and peer-to-peer teaching and evaluation to foster a culture of shared learning.
Are built on the foundation of learning material open to all
To provide students with services that contribute to the achievement of the desired learning outcomes by:
Engaging in a progressive cycle of improvement
Using technology and innovation to increase service and accuracy
To deliver services to the students that enable them attain their targeted learning outcomes by:
Assisting students in developing self-awareness regarding career choices and work preferences
Providing educational and occupational information to assist students in their career and educational preparation, as well as to expand their knowledge of the workplace.
Students are connected to alumni, employers, and professional groups who can help them combine academic learning with the workplace and explore potential career options.
To secure the financial stability and growth of the institution by:
Volunteering is used for leadership, scholarly, and administrative tasks.
Keeping operations as efficient as possible
Creating a supportive community
Values Opportunity
We are a welcoming and collaborative community that values and respects students, professors, staff, and alumni. We respect the diversity of our community, which includes people from all walks of life and from all corners of the globe. We value the contributions that diversity of thought and experience brings, since it allows excellence to grow. We are dedicated to creating a working and learning environment where every member of our community can reach their full potential. Within this framework, we will carry out our goal.
Alt+U is founded on the notion that a free or low-cost education is a basic right for all competent applicants, not just a select few. By offering its programs via distance learning and making this possibility accessible, the University seeks to open the doors of higher education to qualified students anywhere in the world.
By making its academic programs, educational services, and career opportunities available to qualified persons from all over the world, and by creating learning opportunities that involve students and professors from a variety of backgrounds, Alt+U fosters a global community.
Alt+U's institutional culture is founded on openness, transparency, and best professional practices, and all students, instructors, staff, and administrators are expected to maintain the greatest levels of personal integrity, honesty, and responsibility. Furthermore, the University expects its students to take responsibility for their education and to pursue their studies actively and purposefully.
Quality Programs
Alt+U offers a high-quality online education that is both broad and deep enough to meet the demands of the twenty-first century. On a regular basis, the School reviews and evaluates all areas academic programs, listed below:
Professional Development Training
Nano/Mini Degree
Bachelor Degree
Graduate Degree
Master Degree
Doctoral Degree