Professional Doctorates
A professional doctorate is a post-graduate degree that allows holders to work in a specified field.
A professional doctorate is a terminal degree that isn't a PhD, which is often necessary to teach at the university level. Doctorates in professional practice are sometimes known as "applied" or "practitioner" degrees.
What is the difference between a professional doctorate and a PhD?
A PhD is one of several sorts of doctorate degrees, and all doctoral degree graduates are entitled to use the title "Doctor" before their name once they begin practicing their chosen profession.
While all PhDs are doctorates, not all doctorates are PhDs; the main distinction is the sort of study done during the independent research period.
PhD students are required to broaden their field's body of knowledge and apply it to a real-world problem in their business or community. PhD students show this by writing a dissertation, which they must successfully defend in order to receive their doctorate.
Students pursuing a professional doctorate are required to apply their field's current knowledge to a real-world problem in their company or community. A doctoral capstone, consisting of a five-chapter dissertation or paper, product, or portfolio, is used by professional doctorate candidates to demonstrate this. These degrees are sometimes known as "applied" or "practitioner" degrees since they are more career-oriented.
Here's an illustration: Although both a PhD and an EdD are doctorate degrees, PhD students will focus on performing research and expanding knowledge in their specialist field. EdD students, on the other hand, will use their previous expertise to improve educational systems.
What can I get a professional doctorate in at Alt+U?
Doctor of Science (DSc / ScD)
Doctor of Arts (DA / ArtD)
Doctor of Social Science (DSS / SScD)
Specialized professional doctorates
Business (DBA)
Education (EdD)
Public Health (DrPH)
Nursing (DNP)
Psychology (PsyD)
Health Administration (DHA)
Public Administration (DPA)
Social Work (DSW)
As well as many other professions.
Why would I get a professional doctorate?
There are several reasons to pursue a professional doctorate.
A doctorate degree is required for some careers, such as that of a licensed clinical psychologist, and a PsyD is one alternative.
A professional doctorate can also increase your income potential and open doors to more advanced professional prospects, such as executive-level leadership roles or consulting.
Many people, however, pursue a professional doctorate for personal reasons. Doctoral students are enthusiastic about their purpose and programs, whether it's to pursue a lifelong dream, achieve a lifelong goal, become a renowned leader in their profession, or offer a better future for their family.
Althash University provides professional doctorate degrees in a variety of fields, including business, education, health, and technology.