Vincent Hoffmann, RBBD.
Resident Faculty Member
Faculty of Blockchain Studies
Chief Operating Officer of Htmlcoin & Althash Blockchain
Registered Blockchain Business Developer
Continuing & Professional Studies Faculty Member
Courses Developed and/or Taught
Blockchain Overview
Cryptocurrency Overview
Blockchain Use Case Overview
Token Creation
Internet Troll
About Me
Vincent Hoffmann is a South African with deep Mauritian roots and a passion for leveraging innovative solutions, technologies and human relations to create Win-Wins.
He is the Chief Operating Officer for HTMLCOIN & Althash and has been part of the team since early 2018. Vincent works across all the departments, with a particular interest in Human Resources, Public Relations and Business Development.
He is also a Business Development Consultant at the Mauritius Africa Fintech Hub.
Since discovering blockchain technology 4 years ago he became enthralled by its potential to bring a level of trust which greatly mitigates and, in many cases, eliminates fraud and exploitation. This was the spark that ignited his passion and drive to Make A Difference through action and perseverance. Over the last few years, he has developed a set of guiding principles, an ethos if you will.
“Life’s opportunities are found and developed through the relationships we create and nurture in business, as well as in private.”
For any partnership, relationship or endeavour to prevail, a clear Win-Win is needed and with that above understanding, he is able to leverage resources and achieve success.